Dr Fjodor Borisovich Uspenskij

Institute of Slavonic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
Senior Researcher in the Institute of Slavonic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences


Born in Moscow, 22 February 1970

1987 Graduated from school

1987 Entered the Philological Faculty of Moscow University

1990-1991 Period of study at Reykjavik University (Iceland)

1996 graduated from the Moscow State University.

1996-1999 I was a postgraduate student at Moscow's Institute for Slavonic and Balkan Studies. My specific field of studies is the Russian-Scandinavian historical, cultural and linguistic connections during the Conversion period.

2000 Defended my Ph.D. thesis concerning the Russian-Scandinavian historical, cultural and linguistic connections during the Conversion period.

From March 2000 I work as a senior researcher in Russian Academy of Sciences. My scholarly interests include Old Scandinavian Law, Scandinavian Church History, early Icelandic grammatical Literature and Poetics, the history of Scandinavian proper names, Russian History, Russian Literature. I'm teaching at Moscow State University (course: Medieval Rus' and Scandinavia) and at Russian State University of Humanities (The History of Medieval Scandinavian Culture)

2005 Defended my D. Litt. Thesis (habilitation) "The Dynastic Name in Medieval Scandinavia and Rus'"

E-mail: FjodorUspenski@yandex.ru

1177334 Moscow, Russia
Leninskij prospect 32a
Institute of Slavonic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences